Command line uninstall of LogMeIn, I had a need and this is what fixed me up!

Reference:  IT Ninja:

Their solution only hinted at the fix – for me dumping or querying the registry didn’t show me anything.

1 – Download the MSI package from LMI’s website

2 – Copy the files to your target machine, I usually do this via UNC to the workstation:  start > run or type in \\workstation-name\c$ > enter.  That’s the administrative share.  Then I usually copy stuff to c:\temp

3 – Download PSTools from Micro$oft, unzip it co c:\temp\pstools, open a command prompt then execute the command to that workstation so you can get a remote command shell:  psexec \\workstation-name -u yourdomainhere\youruserhere cmd <- Then hit enter.  It will ask you for a password.

4 – Then:  cd\temp

5 – Then:  msiexec /x c:\temp\logmein.msi /qn

6 – Then:  Reboot with:  shutdown /r /t 10 /c “Rebooting – RW” /f

7 – Log back in with a remote cmd using PSTools and PSExec then run the batch file or command line installer you can download from their deployment option on the LMI website.  Mine was something like this:  msiexec.exe /i c:\temp\LogMeIn.msi /quiet DEPLOYID=00_longstringofgarbateblahblahblahblahblah INSTALLMETHOD=5 FQDNDESC=1

* I think that long string of garbage is somehow tied to your account – it lets you install the msi via command line.

On the IT ninja blog they said to query an uninstall registry but I couldn’t find my LMI in there ANYWHERE and I dumped the entire registry hive for the key and all subkeys and looked.  I find that doing an uninstall and pointing it at the MSI that it would read that MSI and uninstall it EVEN IF it’s a newer version ;)

After kicking off the install with that msiexec /i command pointed to the logmein.msi file I got the email that the workstation has been added and I could get in!